Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Armed Goose

Now, Parma of Ohio, some years ago, became identified with pink lawn flamingos. Driving about i saw this [supra] to-day. Explain this to me. It is not hunting season. It is cold, windy, and snowy. Not Elmer Fudd? He is not wearing safety colors, but camouflage. Is he military? is he a gun nut (there is an issue concerning the Newtown Connecticut Massacre, and some are hugging their guns)? Or it is just funny.

I don't know the geographic distribution of cement porch geese. I don't know whether this was a garden decoration that took to the porch. I believe this migration began not too many years ago.
Maybe, the first were in dresses, an extension of Mother Goose. For years, i wondered where do they get the clothes. Just recently, i have seen tables set up at fairs and markets selling them. They are a real cottage industry.

At first, i noticed the clothing attire tended to reflect an up coming holiday (or rain, saw a few yellow slickers).  I don't remember any recent Valentine's sightings, or stove pipe hatted Lincolns, perhaps the next one i post will be dressed for Patrick.

For the record, i enjoy flamingos and geese; and as some note, they are cuter than garden gnomes. If any one has some history, or anthropological notes...

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